January 03, 2003

It moves! (I think)

I am pretty sure I am starting to feel the little one moving around in there. It's so hard to tell for sure at this point, since I don't know what I am supposed to be feeling for. Women who have had babies before report movement as early as week 13 or 14, but most first timers like myself can't really discern the feeling until much later, even into the 20s. I am as I sit here 17 weeks, 6 days along. (Scary how me, oh she who can't remember anything to do with numbers, have the baby's age down practically to the minute at any given moment!)

But I may have felt a flutter a few weeks ago lying in bed, and then on the Sunday before Christmas we went to the Dave Matthews Band concert and I really thought I felt some dancing in there. Certainly, I could feel the bass right through me, but this was different. The weird thing is that I also felt the same kind of movements a week later, when we were driving home to DC from the parental visit to New York. Mike put in his new DMB CD, and I swear the little one was reacting to the music all over again. Mike says that means the kid will have good taste in music!

Earlier this week, we went shopping and I felt a frequent popping low in my belly. Mom says that's definitely it ("gas travels, the baby will keep hitting in the same few spots!" says she). But I don't feel it every day yet, so who knows. It will be more real when Mike can feel it too.

Posted by Dineen at January 3, 2003 03:19 PM
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