January 09, 2003

Tummy Talk

Back when I was sick all the time, I would talk to the babybean between heaves. Things along the lines of "What in the world are you doing to your momma?" and "Well, I guess you just don't like McDonald's very much, do you?" Several weeks ago -- probably even before that first sonogram -- Mike started occasionally talking directly at my belly. At first, just little stuff, like "Hello in there!" or the ever succinct "Baby!"

As time progresses, we are both getting more used to the notion of talking to this miraculous creature growing inside of me. "Baby!" (type doesn't do justice to Mike's "Baby" voice, by the way) is now mostly reserved for use in conjunction with the buddha belly rub, from afar. Talking at the belly is really talking now. I talk out loud everytime I think I feel the baby move in there (still not 100% sure that's what I am actually feeling, but I am guessing any gas will ignore my cooing, and the baby can hear me even if I am not really feeling the baby move).

And even though there is not yet all that much belly to stare at, Mike will often stare in wonderment and kiss my belly as he is joining me in bed at night. Many hugs turn into a laying of the hands as well ("Baby!"). We both marvel at how taut the area below my belly button has become, because we know full well what is behind there. I find myself sitting back like a fat cat with my hand on my belly even though there isn't all that much belly to touch just yet (at least, not more than there usually is).

If we are both this head over heels at not-yet-19-weeks, I can't imagine how in love we will be when this child actually arrives.

Posted by Dineen at January 9, 2003 03:31 PM
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