January 20, 2003

Where's the Belly?

Before I was pregnant, I didn't realize that most of what I thought of as "pregnant" -- the big belly -- doesn't just automatically appear. OK, so I knew it didn't happen the second sperm meets egg, but I certainly didn't think that I would be halfway through and still not be obviously pregnant to the casual observer.

Other people who have never been pregnant seem shocked when I tell them how far along I am, because there really is just nothing much to see from the outside. Except for my jeans, I am still wearing the same clothes I wore pre-pregnancy. (That said, three cheers for JCPenny maternity jeans!)

My currently and recently pregnant friends all tell me that in a matter of 2-4 weeks, I will be longing for the days when I could say I didn't look pregnant. Maybe so. But right now, I am longing for the day when I can sit around with my hand on my belly and not have it look quite so bizzare as it does right now. When I can take someone's hand and say "Feel this life growing inside of me!" When people pass me on the street and get a little smile because they can see I am pregnant, and they know all the wonder and heartache and love I therefore have in store for me.

Posted by Dineen at January 20, 2003 02:00 PM
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