I can't believe I didn't think of this earlier, but my doctor has a website, so you can see what he looks like (although the picture is a little distorted). Here's Dr. Miller, my primary doc. Very up on the latest and greatest of everything, very good memory for me and my charts, and very communicative. A nice Ivy League boy. He's only four years older than I am, and frankly if I had met him outside of this context we would very likely be friends.
Having been lucky enough to meet Dr. Miller when I went with you to your monthly check up in January, I can attest that he is a really nice guy! Didn't even flinch when I asked questions. I think you made a wise choice with this group as was demonstrated with their care for you when you were in the hospital. Love, Momma
Posted by: Momma on March 10, 2003 12:43 PM