Went to church today to ensure that we are registered with the diocese so that the baby can be baptized when the time comes. The baptism will be on a Sunday afternoon, probably sometime in late July and early August (they haven't set baptism dates in the church past June; I will snap one up in consultation with (grand)parental schedules as soon as I know the available dates).
Mike and I will attend a baptism prep class before the baby is born -- likely in April, which is turning into the "all baby prep all the time" month for us. We'll attend a second class after the baby is born, just before the chosen date.
In making these arrangements, I was struck again by how lucky we are to live in a very young, open, and vibrant parish. Everyone adores the priest, who is a true man of God and not a bureaucratic BSer like some. The laity is very involved and very nurturing -- I am already on the list to have church members bring us a meal after the baby is born to help out, and frankly I am planning on volunteering to be on the list of people providing such meals to others once I get a little more involved. It will be helpful to have this community available to us as a secondary support system for our child.