March 16, 2003

Hiding from Aunt Keri

This baby just refused to cooperate and let Aunt Keri feel it move. She got to see it move Saturday night (my belly was just rippling) but the second the hand went down, it was total radio silence. Once, the baby even moved while Keri's hand was on my belly, but it was too deply internal for Keri to feel on the surface. I poked and prodded, to no avail (hope I wasn't being too mean!). Silly baby.

I did a lot of laying on the couch with my belly hanging out this weekend. I can't help it; I am obsessed with having my hands on my belly (and, well, the panel on the jeans gets uncomfortable after a while). Aunt Keri says my tummy looked noticably bigger on Sunday than it did on Saturday. Oh, and that my stomach feels hard as a rock.

Posted by Dineen at March 16, 2003 02:52 PM
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