March 18, 2003
Doctor (not my primary; one of the others in the practice who I now REALLY hope is not on call when this baby is due!) was very unhelpful on the phone regarding the GD test results. She was so focussed at looking at just one number this one level was above accepted norms that she wouldn't or couldn't see that the fact that my numbers go upwards instead of downwards could potentially be problematic. She just told me that she couldn't explain it, that some people just trend that way. Very unsatisfying answer. Don't know what to do next (besides trying to get Dr. Miller on the phone), as my attempts to research this yesterday on the web weren't particularly fruitful. I am very frustrated right now. Great if I don't have GD, but I need to know what, if anything, this means. I at least feel like I deserve a more intelligent answer to my questions than "I can't explain it." Maybe next step is to try to get an appointment with an endocrinologist?
Posted by Dineen at March 18, 2003 11:21 AM
Well, since you can't seem to get a satisfactory answer, maybe it would help to get a consultation with an endocrinologist. But in the meantime, be sure to keep eatting a healthy diet, leaving out anything man-made: bread, cake, pasta, prepared or boxed foods. The more natural the diet, the less purified sugars and salt in it, the less problem with GD. Loving you, Momma