Because of the hospitalization, I was thwarted on my meet-the-other-docs-in-the-practice mission last time. But today, Mike and I went together to meet Dr. Powers. He was very nice, and took the time to actually read my chart and ask pertinent questions, so I was pleased. It appears that I am slightly anemic (no surprise there; I have a history of it), and he recommended I start taking iron supplements on top of my prenatal vitamins. (For you geeks, my crit at the beginning of the pregnancy was 34.3, with normal being around 35, but a recent repeat crit was 29). Baby's heartbeat was in the 145-150 range (still girl territory, if you believe the wives tales). My blood pressure was good (100/70), so no worries there. Fundal height right where it should be (about 29 cm). He was please to hear the baby is so active (in Mike's words, that we are giving birth to John Travolta).
Dr. Powers' assessment of my GTT was that it was probably lab error (the samples were mixed up?), and since he was adding 15% to most of the cutoffs I have seen, he said I was OK no matter which order the results were put in. I still think I want to look into seeing an endocrinologist when the pregnancy is over, but I am not going to worry about it in the meantime. Oh, and he gave us two recommendations for pediatricians in our area (including the one he takes his own kids to).
All in all, a good visit. Next stop, Dr. Wilkerson, in a mere two weeks. Wheeee!