March 28, 2003

75% Cooked

Today's milestone is 30 weeks -- three quarters of the way to the standard full term of 40 weeks. With the grace of God, there will be a baby in our home in 10 weeks or less (12 weeks at the outside). This is amazing, and yet it also scares the heck out of me. I feel like we are so not ready. To rectify that, this weekend we plan to:
-- Finalize Babies R Us registry
-- Finalize our crib and furniture selections
-- Select paint colors for nursery (and heck, maybe even buy the paint?)
That will leave me feeling a little more in control. Of course, April is all baby all the time month, so we should be more on top of things then. But this baby is not allowed to come too early!

Posted by Dineen at March 28, 2003 04:27 PM
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