April 04, 2003

Tum, tumtumtum TUMS!

I have studiously avoided mentioning anything about my notable lack of heartburn thus far this pregnancy. There have been stretches of my life where I've had heartburn up the wazoo. For some reason, the last few months haven't been one of those stretches, and I was very grateful but scared to mention it -- didn't want to jinx things.

Well, I don't have to keep my mouth shut any longer. A few days ago, I broke down and bought a nice large container of Tums for my desk drawer at work, and another smaller one for my purse. I can't really complain, though -- I can handle a mere 9 weeks of heartburn! (Did I mention that, assuming I go full term, we only have 9 weeks +/2 weeks left before we meet the little one? Yipes!) It's certainly a small price to pay.

Posted by Dineen at April 4, 2003 03:55 PM
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