Someone at the office made a comment today that everytime she sees me, I have my hand under my shirt and on my belly. She's probably right, and it isn't the most professional look, but I just can't help it. My hand is drawn to my belly like a moth to a flame.
Besides, if my hand is on my belly, maybe it will deter others from just presuming to touch without asking first.
(Note to shower attendees: no explicit consent required at the shower -- ya'll are people I want to be able to feel and say hi to the baby!)
AWWWWW! When is the shower? Why did i not hear about this event? Although i can't be there, i would like to be there in spirt. :)
Have a good time, honey!
Posted by: Jennifer Guy on April 10, 2003 02:45 PMIt's grope therapy.
Posted by: Mike on April 10, 2003 10:45 PM