April 18, 2003

Miserable Day

Yesterday I was just miserable. I woke up with my whole tummy area just aching like crazy. It hurt to stand up straight. It hurt to bend over. It REALLY hurt whenever the baby moved (which, thankfully, was often, so I wasn't really worried about the baby through all of this). The only almost comfortable positions were laying down or hunched over like an old lady. I didn't make it to work until almost 11 (I had a filing I HAD to do!) but then left as soon as that one task was done and was home in bed by 3 pm. Threw up my breakfast while at work, and then some. Never even attempted lunch. Slept all afternoon, had a little tomato soup, and went back to sleep. Woke up around 7, joined Mike in the living room and read for awhile. Finally, I had a bowl of cereal around 9pm and kept that down. I was back in bed by 10:30, and had intended to read but fell right asleep. Very strange.

I called the doc in the afternoon at Mike's insistance, and the most likely culprit is -- get this -- gas. There's just so little room in there, that if it ain't coming out it is causing a lot of internal pressure. If it was based on what I ate, then, well, brussel sprouts are off my list until after the baby comes and there is more room in there for my digestive tract to handle them!

The good news is, I woke up pretty much good as new today. Whether it was gas or something else, it has passed (no pun intended).

Posted by Dineen at April 18, 2003 10:32 AM

Glad you are feeling better. I was worried about you. Love, Momma

Posted by: Momma on April 18, 2003 01:33 PM
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