Ever since the shower in New York, we've been feeling pretty ready to have this kid. Heck, Mike even admitted the other day that he wants to know whether babybean is a boy or a girl now -- not because he really wants to find out before delivery, but more because he's really ready to get to know his child.
I have been fortunate enough to have the baby inside me, to feel its every move, to get an idea of its personality. Mike can't glean that from the occasional hand on the belly. I've found myself looking down at the belly and asking "Are you a [boy's name] or a [girl's name]?" (And no, we're not dishing on names either, so don't ask!) Mike has picked up on tummy talk some more, too. Early on, it was was easier for me not to personalize things too much -- too many what-ifs. I was deathly afraid of giving this baby inside of me a name, because what if something went wrong? Now, with the time at hand, it would be nice to get a little more up close and personal. Soon enough.