I finally took the plunge today and ordered three dozen cloth diapers for the little one. They should arrive within a few days, and then they need to be washed, washed, and washed some more so they can be ready to use when babybean arrives. Hopefully, three dozen infant-sized diapers will be enough to start, along with about 6 covers of various types. Allison warned me that I may well want more covers -- she's probably right -- but I am going to try to hold out for at least a week or two to decide which ones we like and work on our baby before I invest too much. That should mean doing a load of diapers every other day. I know using cloth will be so much better for the baby's skin, and cheaper in the long run to boot. I just hope we can handle it!
yay! I was going through withdrawal from no updates :-)
I think 3 dozen infant sized diapers should be plenty, cause you have the ones I gave you (which are regular size). I didn't use infant size at all - just bought the regular size ones and used them the whole time. Just folded then down to fit!
As far as covers, you will want more of those. But definitely wait and see what you like. The velcro ones worked ok (not great) at first. Once Sean started moving though they didn't hold the diaper on well, so I switched to pins and the pull on covers and wished I had done that right from the start. You are smart to just buy a few and see what works for you and baby!
You'll handle the laundry - the nice thing is that once they are dry, you don't really have to worry about folding and putting away like clothes! I used to just throw the pile in the drawer and be done with it!
Posted by: Keri on April 29, 2003 04:39 PMThanks for the encouragement! I have a pull up cover too, and maybe I will switch to that. I also bought a sample of something called a Snappi (check out http://www.babyminestore.com/information/howtosnappi.htm), which is supposed to hold the diapers tight without pins. Figured for 2 bucks, it was worth a shot.
Posted by: Dineen on April 29, 2003 06:54 PMOh, and the infant size are supposed to work up to 16 pounds, or about 6 months. So I figured I'll be sure I am used to them before I buy the bigger ones. Plus, as Keri noted, I have all the hand-me-downs from her!
Posted by: Dineen on April 29, 2003 06:58 PMofcourse if Babybean is as smart as you were, you won't need to go into a larger size! You walked at 7 1/2 months and were fully trained at 15 months. By the way, I didn't toilet train you, you did it yourself cuz you wanted to wear your "fancy pants" underwear and I wouldn't let you do that until you didn't use diapers anymore. I was lucky that you have a stubborn streak and want what you want when you want it! You sat on the potty and and did your thing and then told me to put on your fancy pants! A few accidents during the night but all in all a painless transition. Hope the kid will be like you in that regard! Love Momma
Posted by: Momma on May 2, 2003 10:14 AM