June 07, 2003

40 + 1

Well, my unofficial due date is officially over; it's almost 1:30 am. No news yet. Got most of the work done; have a list a mile long of things to do after a good night's rest, in time for an early evening pampering, if baby doesn't make his or her appearance in the meantime. Perhaps this is the spurt of nesting/energy they talk about women having just before they deliver? I hope so! I'm still personally rooting for labor to start any time after church on Sunday.

Thankfully, babybean is still pretty darn active. Right after my late, late dinner, Mike was sitting across from me and could see from a mile away the major undulations of my tummy. His take? "The baby is packing up for the big move!" Let's hope so.

Posted by Dineen at June 7, 2003 01:36 AM
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