I can't say how wonderful a feeling it was to walk into our home today with our brand new baby boy. He seems OK with his bedroom thus far (favorite spot: changing table), and seems to like it when Mom sits in the leather recliner, but I have a feeling that has more to do with the presence of her boobies than anything else.
Honestly, I am not up to going into all of the details at the moment -- it's 10:30 on the night of our arrival home, and it's been a looooog day; heck, a long several sleepless days. But I did want to pop in and thank everyone for all of their warm wishes and kind words. Mike printed out the comments and brought them to me in the hospital, and they really made my day each time (well, not as much as holding my new son, mind you, but you understand). What a lucky littlle boy he is to be welcomed into this world by so many eager friends and family.
Dineen & Mike,
We are *so* happy for you both!! Congratulations! We are still both on Cloud 9 in amazement over our son as well. Can't wait to follow your comments on parenthood/feedings/etc.
Connie & Niels & Sven