Aunt Hurdle and Ellen and Granny Hurdle came to the house to have lunch with Alex today. Granny Hurdle brought Alex some cute onesies. Ellen played with one of Alex’s big baby toys, and got pretty good at scootching around after it. She’ll be crawling in no time! Then, we had the Tyrell’s over for dinner. They brought the meat – homemade sausage, compliments of Susanne’s dad – and Nana and I threw together a salad, candied carrots, and jello for dessert. Sophia and Lucy both loved the carrots! And the adults loved the sausage – we ended up lucking out that it rained, because we did the sausage on the Foreman grill instead of outside as planned. All the juices in the little catch pan were real meaty juices, not fat, so Nana had the brilliant idea of making a gravy out of it. Probably the best gravy any of us had ever tasted!
Alex and Mommy on his 3 week birthday.
thanks for the compliment on the gravy! But as we all know, the gravy is only as good as the meat that it came from and those were some awesome sausages the Tyrell's brought I ever had! Momma
Posted by: Momma on July 21, 2003 07:11 PM