Alex had an action-packed Fourth of July. First, he and Nana and I ran some errands to the sewing store to get thread to make a sling for me to carry him in. After the sewing project was complete, the whole fam-damily (even Tucker) headed out to Maryland to enjoy a wonderful barbecue with the Genhacks, Medley, NowThis, and a few other non-web folks. The grill was literally a work of art, and the food was yummy, yummy, yummy. It was fun to see the two ten month olds wander around and realize that Alex will be doing that very soon. After the barbecue, we stopped in at another party briefly to see the FSU crowd. Then, it was off to a top-secret location in Virginia to see the fireworks.
We’re not telling where it was – it was too good of a view, and there was even easy free parking!! Alex either slept through or fed through the entire thing. But Mom and Dad and Nana really enjoyed our great view of the fireworks. Tucker just rested in Alex’s carriage.