Alex was a trooper for his first big road trip. Nana and I packed the car and headed out to New York with Alex in tow. We weren’t even yet around the beltway when he woke up screaming, so we stopped in Bethesda for food (McDonalds for the adults, booby for Alex) and a change. He slept again until another rest stop in early Maryland. Our next stop was a Dunkin’ Donuts in New Jersey, and no wonder – he had the blowout diaper from hell! The only thing that saved the car seat was the fortunate accident that Nana had left a spit cloth under Alex when she last put him in the seat. Then we made it all the way to Brooklyn before he awoke again. He was screaming like a banshee at that point, though, and we had to pull over in not-the-best-spot. Still, we made it to Nana’s house in one piece. Probably the best you could ask of one month old.