I can't let two full months go by without mentioning that we were, in fact, a little surprised that Alex was a he and not a she. For the first two or three days after he was born, I kept looking at his boy parts whenever I changed him and saying to myself, yep, I guess he really is a boy!
I've also gotten around to doing the other thing I've been meaning to do -- posting his weekly pix on the main page of the baby website. Ideally, you should set that page as your bookmark so you can watch him grow.
Finally, as you may have noticed, I don't always post entries in order, or when they happened -- with an infant, it isn't always easy to get to the computer long enough to post contemporaneously! I prefer to back date at times, so that the entries are on the right calendar day, even if I posted it several days later. If you would like to be notified whenever a new entry is posted -- since the newest entry won't always be the top entry -- let me know by posting a comment to this entry (and make sure you include your e-mail address). I think I have the hang of Moveable type enough to send out notifications.
I would like to be notified. Thanks, momma!
Posted by: Aunt Jen Guy on July 30, 2003 11:20 PMSign me up, too. My dearest friend is seven months' along (if we're right, it'll be a girl -- named Alexandria), and we're enjoying your Alex's adventures!!!
Posted by: dawn on July 31, 2003 12:51 PMMe! -- use: alexblog@uncorked.org
Posted by: Lyn on July 31, 2003 01:36 PMMe too!
Posted by: jenn on August 3, 2003 01:59 PMalthough I check pretty much on a daily basis....would love an automatic minder to save a minute of my time! My screen saver is all my kids and the two grands! Loving you all!
Posted by: Momma on August 4, 2003 04:28 PM