Alex's other visitor this weekend was Aunt Keri -- in town for a business meeting, and able to sneak the weekend on the front end to see her favorite nephew. The time with Aunt Keri was short, but we had a great time. We went to Cox Farms to pick pumpkins, and Alex was quite a hit!!
He slept through the Hay ride, but woke up in a pumpkin patch.
Alex also was lucky enough to spend all day Monday with Aunt Keri. She was afraid she might be a little rusty, but they had a great time. They went to the fabric store, did some dancing, and took a nice long walk. All in all, a fantasic visit.
I like the pumpkin head picture. I like the picture with Alex sleeping with his thumb in his mouth. I like Alex!
Posted by: Sean on October 27, 2003 09:29 AM