November 27, 2003

Giving Thanks

We had a lot to give thanks for this Thanksgiving. How much our lives have changed! We spent the holiday weekend with Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Katie on the beach in Hilton Head, South Carolina. Alex enjoyed sitting at the table, and especially enjoyed his sippy cup and a shiny spoon.

We also had the opportunity to do some walking on the beach and window shopping at Sea Pines, near the light house. One store had a toy boat for sale, and Alex struck a pose or two.

But most of all, we enjoyed being with family. We gave thanks for loving aunts and grandparents (on both sides -- and Uncle Denny too!) and for our precious, marvelous, wonderful baby boy. And did I mention, thanks? I don't think we can really say it enough...

Posted by Dineen at November 27, 2003 08:14 PM

Grandma knows how much we missed Aunt Mary, Cousin Joel, and Cousin Josh. They all joined us last year and Grandma thinks they would have loved spending time with Alex. Although we added a dog, it's not quite the same!
Grandma is happy Aunt Mary was able to attend Alex's Baptism. Aunt Mary adores him, too.

Posted by: Grandma on January 1, 2004 04:52 PM
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