We decided to designate today as official family fun day, which can mean only one thing: Road Trip! We took a day trip to Richmond to see the state capitol building, the Confederate White House, and former Supreme Court Justice John Marshall's house (he of Marbury v. Madison fame). We had a great time. Alex was wonderfully attentive and alert at the capitol. He was fussy at the Confederate White House -- I actually had to leave the tour partway through -- but he was overall quite the champ.
On the streets of Richmond.
Alex has been on the verge of laughing outright for a while now, but I think we need to record today as the official day. His daddy was on his back airplaning Alex and Alex just let out a full-bore laugh. This is in addition to the constant happy squeals that we have taken to lovingly calling his velociraptor screetch. He'll be talking in no time!
All we need now is a blizzard to make Alex's first year a true natural diasaster trifecta. First, we were in New York for THE BLACKOUT OF '03. Then we sailed through the Hurricane Isabel and the resulting brief blackout. Lucky for us, Nani and Pop Pop came to vist their roley poley boy and shared the weekend with us (and their 34th Wedding Anniversary!).
Nani and Alex, September 19, 2003 (Alex in outfit from Aunt Keri)
Hotels are nice, but staying with friends is even better. On the way home we went through Atlanta and stayed with Allison, David and Ellen. After a day of driving, we were quite grateful to arrive to their house to find a lovely dinner waiting. The next morning, we had brunch with Nicole, Paul and Jonah, who took us in despite our horrible last-minute inviting ourselves over.
Luckily, in Tampa, it is still warm enough to swim even in September. After coming back from a business lunch -- the first time I was separated from him for more than 15 minutes since he was born -- we relaxed with a little dip. Mommy needed it!
That night, we went to visit Evan and Ricki and enjoyed a lovely shabat dinner. Rylie and Avery did a lovely job of singing the blessing and tearing the challah. We got a preview of their newly redesigned kids' rooms, which will be featured on an upcoming episode of Designer's Challenge. The murals are fantastic!
There were more Fishies at Busch Gardens, where we spent Alex's three month birthday.
We also saw a giraffe, lions, hyenas, and assorted other animals. Mommy and Daddy and Aunt Katie and Grandpa all rode the various roller coasters. The doggies weren't happy that we left, but what can you do? It was a lovely day.
We visited the Florida Aquarium today. Alex slept through the first half, but he was quite alert and awake for the sharks, thank you. Real live fishies are even cooler than the Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Aquarium!
Over the course of our week in Tampa, Alex perfected the great roll over. He is now consistently rolling from back to tummy and tummy to back. Luckily, Grandma was on hand to capture some of the magic.
Alex watched his first football game today -- Bucks versus Eagles. Well, he watched the first ten minutes of the first quarter. Mommy explained the basics of the game (Aunt Jen would be proud!) and then promptly fell asleep. Alex fell asleep too. Two days of driving will do that, I guess.
Alex has already been a champ through two trips to see Nana and Pop Pop in New York, but this weekend we had a bigger test: driving two days straight to Tampa to visit Grandma and Grampa. He came through the drive with flying colors. Mommy pumped enough (thank you, Isis hand pump!) that we were able to feed him without stopping, cutting our rest stops in half. Just this past weekend in Avalon, Allison and I were reminiscing about our crazy drive to Mary Sue's wedding. Allison was changing in the car to be ready for the rehearsal, and I uttered the infamous line, "I am driving 90 miles an hour, and you want me to ZIP YOU?????" This weekend, I was driving 90 miles an hour, and pumping at the same time. That's the difference 7 years makes, I guess!
After our first day of driving, we stopped at a Holiday Inn in South Carolina for the night. Alex and Daddy chilled on the bed during Sports Center.
Alex met Cassie and visited with Ellen this weekend on the Jersey Shore. Cassie's grandparents were kind enough to let us all use their beach house for a few days. Alex had his first walk on the beach, and enjoyed meeting the older women. Unfortunately, he was too overcome with emotion to pose nicely for the cameras.
Still, a great time was had by all, and the great Disney Pilgrimage of '07 was planned.
Alex laughs at Daddy's war stories.