Mike and Dineen:
We realize that Washington, DC is a bit of a trek for many of the friends and family we
hope to have join us on our special day, and we have done everything we can think of to
make it easier for you all. The good news is that the Washington area is gorgeous in late
April. The famous cherry blossoms should still be
and the
is generally warm and mild. The bad news is, there will be some sort of convention in town the
weekend of our wedding, so it will be very important to book travel and accommodations early.
Because of this, we want you to know what your options are well before the Miss Manners-imposed
six weeks prior to the wedding when the actual formal invitations arrive.
The wedding will be Saturday April 29, 2000. The ceremony is at 3 p.m. at Georgetown
University's Dahlgren Chapel, and will be performed by the Georgetown Law Center's chaplain,
Rev. Alexei Michalenko.
The reception follows accross the Potomac at the
Pentagon City, in Arlington, Virginia.
Directions to the chapel