Category Archives: Literary Allusions

The Giant Waterslide

Waterslide Book Cover

Originally uploaded by Dineen.

Yesterday after school, Alex decided to write a book. Just because. I think it might be influenced, in part, by Library Mouse by Daniel Kirk. I recommend this book to any parent of kindergarten to second grade or so. It really is a sweet story, and also encourages kids to realize they can write stories, too. I love that he wanted to do this! Click through to read all of the pages of the short book, which is “By and illusterated by Alex.”

(Disclaimer and disclosure: Most links to Amazon are through Amazon associates and I get a very small kickback if you buy there — it’s never even enough to cover hosting this site, but no skin off your nose if you were going to buy anyway!)

A reader

Alex is becoming a true and true reader.  Last night he read me an entire Scholastic level 1 (“big type and easy words”) book about Wall*E.  It was mostly about smashing trash.  He only needed help with a few words:  everywhere, uncubes, treads.  The rest, he sounded out entirely by himself.  The great thing is, even as he is heavily focussed on sounding out particular words, he is also aware of tone while he is reading out loud.  He will read a sentence, then go back again and read it with feeling to get a good intonation for it (which is something I do when we read together, so I will take credit there!).  He was so very proud of himself!

Today he got a superstar at school — for probably the third time all year.  He was thrilled.  Somehow, I think last night’s accomplishment and today’s are connected.