Nathaniel Dennis Wasylik

We are proud to announce the birth of Nathaniel Dennis Wasylik, born at 8:17 pm on Wednesday, December 28.

He arrived with emphasis, weighing in at 9 pounds, 7 ounces, and measuring 22 inches in length.

Mother and son are happy, healthy, and looking forward to coming home in a couple of days. Nate is also looking forward to meeting his big brother Alex.


One thought on “Nathaniel Dennis Wasylik”

  1. CONGRATULATIONS to the three of you! And Welcome to the World, Nate!….FINALLY! Your blog audience has been waiting!

    I love the name…love that you use Nate as a nickname, and son #2 is named Dennis…I know Dennis is in your family, too. Wonderful!

    And if birthweight plays any part in it, it looks like Nate may be the “big” brother eventually. He can join our club…my boys were 9 15, 23″ and 9 1, 22″. It looks like you were doing some last-minute growing in Mommy’s womb, Nate…no wonder you were in no rush to leave! 🙂

    And it is WONDERFUL to see that Nate has taken to the breast already in your photo. Super, super, super!

    Enjoy this precious time bonding as a family.
    **So** happy for you! 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Connie van Hoesel

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